Friday, December 16, 2011


So where is that kid with the sign going to stand to promote his
friend's lemonade stand? Is he going to stick around by the stand
that's down the small dead-end street? That won't help much. He's
going to go down a block and stand at the busy intersection.

On the internet, traffic starts with links, each serving as a road
by which visitors can travel. There are many different ways to
build these links for different purposes. Some serve primarily to
let the search engines know that someone else found the site they
linked to valuable. Others are more like an expressway.

Building expressway links is easier if you know your subject
matter. This is one of the reasons that you picked a product in
an area familiar to you back in the first lesson.

Participate in forums related to the problem that your product
solves. Help people out and make sure there's a link in your
signature file to your review site. Just make sure to check the
rules of the forum first, to find out what's allowed.

Write articles about the problem and mention that there's a
product that might be a solution and the readers can find more
details if they just follow the link to your review site. Each
article needs to include keywords you've selected in the title
and a few times within the body of the piece.

You can use the same content in more than one way.

- post the articles to directories, like

- turn them into pdf documents and upload for sharing at a
place like

- turned them into videos and uploaded to the huge traffic
source at

Most directories and similar services also offer a place to add
tags. This is another place to put your keywords. This way when
people are searching the databases they might find your article,
read your information, and be motivated to click on the link that
goes to your review site.

This is only the beginning. There is pay-per-click advertising,
media buys, social bookmarking, directory and RSS submissions,
blogging, press releases, and more besides.

There are huge and expensive courses on how to get traffic. But
you can start with the information in the $100 MADE EASY free
ebook that Aaron Dendar is giving away. Go take a look.


Tomorrow you'll find out how to multiply your earnings and go
beyond your first $100.

hostgator coupons

what if the skinny kid advertising his friend's lemonade stand
could put that sign he'd been holding on a stick in the ground
and draw another one to promote his cousin's coffee hut at the
same time?

Well, that's unlikely. But if he could, he might be able to make
twice as much money.

On the internet, it's much easier to duplicate yourself. You just
start back at the beginning.

1 - You choose a product from Clickbank on a topic you are
comfortable with and that has some popularity.

2 - You research what keyword phrases people use to look for
similar products and identify ones with medium traffic and low

3 - You write a review of the product and find or build a place
to put that review.

4- You attract visitors to the review using your keywords so that
some percentage will click on the link going to the sales page
and buy the product.

And you receive commission.

If you've selected a Clickbank product that sells for $47 with a
75% commission then it's only going to take you 3 sales and
you've surpassed the $100 mark.

But that work you did to bring traffic to the first review site
is still sitting out there on the internet. People will continue
to drive by and see the sign on the stick advertising lemonade.
And they'll turn and they'll buy.

Meanwhile, you've started over. So this time instead of making
$100 from one campaign, you've just made $200 because you have
two campaigns running.

You might even have made more. After all, most things are easier
the second time. You know you can achieve it. You know how. You
can do it faster. You can make it better.

You just have to stick with it. Easy doesn't mean no work. That
kid in the neon green shirt could have been off playing somewhere
and there'd be no money for him. Easy means simple.

The basic principles you have learned in these lessons are enough
that you can go and get started. But you'll probably find the
whole process even simpler if you download the free ebook I keep
mentioning - $100 MADE EASY. It's full of more detailed and
effective methods for you to use.

Go download it. Read it. And APPLY the knowledge and if you're
stuck, ask me any questions you like.

How To Make Your First $100 Online With Affiliate Marketing

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